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References for Take in the Alps

Take in the Alps has 80 references; 80 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Sophie Merlo

I had the GREAT pleasure to meet Jim at a group shoot in London. What a lovely fellow he has - so funny as well as talented. He had some great ideas there - he has a real artist's vision - and he is so easy to get on with. I felt very comfortable with him and would recommend him to anyone!

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Jessica Enfys

Had another wonderful shoot with Jim in Stroud, this time in the beautiful Stratford Park Museum. I love working with Jim for several reasons - obviously his exceptional photography skills, fantastic eye for detail and pleasant demeanour, but also his incredible wardrobe! Everything he brought to the shoot looked absolutely stunning and I felt so regal parading up and down the museum in a such fabulous attire.

Jim has a real knack for visualising photographic opportunities and some of the images I've seen on the back of the camera look absolutely insane (in a good way)! We managed to utilise nearly every room in the museum and I am so excited to see the final results! As well as producing top quality images, Jim has a talent for bringing out the emotions in a photograph so that they captivate the viewer and that's something I really love about his work.

Thanks again for a fab shoot Jim. Once again looking forward to our next one!

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Jessica Enfys

After having first made contact a year ago, but sadly having to cancel our shoot due to Covid restrictions, Jim and I finally managed to book our first shoot together. We met in Stroud on a slightly overcast and drizzly day, but I think the weather ended up working tremendously in our favour for the types of shots Jim was after.

Pre-comms were fantastic - we discussed logistics and outfits for the shoot prior to the day, so I felt very prepared on arrival. Although I brought selection of my own autumnal outfits, Jim produced a variety of gorgeous dresses and jackets that I was thrilled to wear. What a fantastic wardrobe he has - I wanted to take it all home with me!

As well as providing amazing outfits, Jim was a joy to work with. Filled with wonderful ideas, he has a real eye for photography (which you can see from the amazing results)! Although he was happy to give direction when needed, he also let me crack on with my own poses and wanted to let my natural emotions emanate through the photos.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my shoot with Jim and am looking forward to our next one! :) Highly recommend!

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After time of loving each other work we finally get the chance to meet and had a fabulous first shoot last Sunday.

Shoot was organized in very little time, Jim came to Birmingham and we had 6 hours shoot together. Pre communication was excellent.

Jim came with a car full of his amazing collection of dresses, jewellery and props. Lots of variety in terms of style and vibes. I was impressed!!

He arrived well prepared, went early on that day to check out the locations and he found out beautiful views around Birmingham city center for shooting and we did different change of outfits to match each place. For each set Jim was giving me a storyline to follow. Cinematic and theatrical style. I found this very helpful to get me into the mood and character. He was giving me great directions that allowed me to freely embody my experience in that moment.

Each time he was showing me a picture from the back of the camera I was enthusiastic and the edits he did are just lovely!! He is very talented photographer and I love his artistic approach! He got brilliant eyes for catching the best moment, light and angles! The surrounding mixes with the subject in a very harmonic way. He also took some natural spontaneous shots of myself with the people around which I loved. As it was a very hot day when we shot, we ended up to play inside the fountain and the kids got involved! It was a very memorable moment!

Working together was a pure pleasure! I am very happy with the results. We worked hard but also had great time, lots of fun and interesting conversation. Lots of stories and I was listening amazed. Jim is a gentle soul, a very interesting person with a creative mind! Friendly and easy to work with, very much recommended to any model and I look forward to work together again. Thank you Jim for such a creative day! A presto! :)

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Natalie Jay

Had my first shoot with Jim today.

Sadly the male model who was ment to be shooting was unable to come, however we managed to get a last minute model!

We shot in a gorgeous part of Plymouth that the mua found.

Jim brought along a massive variety of clothing accessories and jewellery!! Nearly needed a van to fit it all in!!

Jim is lovely, chatty and very easy to get along with.

We got some great images and can’t wait to create more in the future!!

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Had my first shoot with Jim today - was a surprise also due to an unfortunate cancellation. Jim is a pleasure to work with - a great sense of humour and very easy going to be around. He came very well prepared with a huge variety of clothing and is great at implementing his creativity. Im really looking forward to the shots we have taken as the ones I've seen so far are wonderful. Jim is a great photographer with a great eye for getting the right photos. Highly recommend him and would love to work again sometime!

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I had the pleasure of working with Jim for the first time today. Jim was so patient, so so patient and accommodating. He was an absolute gem to work with. Jim came with such an abundant wardrobe and we ended up shooting some gorgeous implied stuff.

I would highly recommend Jim as a photographer.

Thanks for such a lovely shoot.

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Bobbi Castle

It was my first time working with Jim after loving each others images on PP for ages and ages. We talked before hand and knew what we wanted to shoot. I was so happy to find out there was a bit of acting involved. We shot images inspired by the film dangerous Liaisons. e got some beautiful images. I was really impressed with all the outfits and jewellery Jim brought with him. And the way he built up a set for us to shoot on that matched the theme. You would never guess it was in a modern bedroom. I had the best time shooting with Jim he is so lovely and easy to get along with. I would recommend him to anyone and really hope we can shoot together again next time i am in the area.

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The Factory

I was very happy to welcome back Jim and his creative sidekick Allie to the studio.They were one of the last to visit prior to lockdown and one of the first to return.A real bundle of infectious energy these 2, like a couple of excitable kids on a sleepover.Great fun to have around while being completely respectful to myself and the studio.Thanks you both!

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Wow, what a fantastic shoot - in fact, as another model eloquently put it, it was much more like story telling. What makes Jim's shoots stand out are the effort, collectors wardrobe and detailed research and planning. Very different to the standard shoot where you bring your own clothes and shoot in a plain studio.

Jim owns a very impressive collection of quality vintage and couture pieces (I probably haven't even seen half) which add to timeless and accurate portrayal of the scenes he want to go for. My hair and makeup was done which was also a treat. Pre comms were great too, and overall the shoot even exceeded my already high expectations.

Thank you so much !

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Valentina Fusco

I had the absolute pleasure of shooting with Jim for the first time recently, I've being lucky enough to work with him.

I hope very much to have the chance to work with Jim again as I genuinely had SUCH an enjoyable time...What Can I say?.......

I had the most beautiful and intense experience with Jim and the Make up Artist, such a talented and creative people!! It's been a truly honour to be the Model in a such beautiful Manor in Gloucestershire...I felt sooo comfortable and also in connection with the nature and the magic atmosphere around me....Jim has this incredible energies that makes you appreciate everything in connection with the's hard to explain in words the amazing and rich experience that we had together.

We created stunning Masterpieces pictures and I believe we are going to create more beautiful captures/pictures together in the future!!

He is a Genuine Artist with a deep and rich personality.

A huge thank you to you Jim and the Make Up Artist, was a phenomenal day. Highly recommended

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Lily Gilbert

After a difficult year resulting in abandonment of my account and activity, I'm finally here to leave my HIGHLY overdue but nonetheless heartfelt and genuine reference for the lovely Jim!!

We had a spectacular shoot at the start of this year before all the craziness hit and all I can say is it was a true adventure. I'm grateful for the experience and overwhelmed with the beauty of the results!

If you get the chance to work with Jim don't hesitate to make the most of every second of the creative adventure together!

I only hope our paths can cross again soon :)

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The Factory

Had the pleasure of hosting Jim and his small team at The Factory this week.

Due to the current restrictions we did not have a real opportunity to share more than a few minutes chatting. What I can say is that Jim is a thoroughly charming chap who is quite clearly very passionate about his creativity with many outlets for his talents. Comm's were spot on' and the studio was left spotlessy clean and tidy.

This may well be one of my last bookings for a while sadly given the very latest news , but I hope be able to welcome him again in the near future.

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The show must go on ... and so it did ... maybe 2020 isn’t that bad after all ....

For those of you who know me, and know Jim, you’ll also know that Jim has spent many of his photographic hours at my studio, his photographic journey started with me and now look at him ...unfortunately due to the pandemic, PoZers has had to close, and has totally broken my heart, and trampled my soul beyond words ... so I hadn’t worked in the industry since the first lockdown, back in March 2020, which has been absolutely soul destroying for me ... so when Jim invited me along to a shoot, in an amazing London Studio apartment, with the stunning Kaylee Marie, I couldn’t get out the door quick enough.... This was first time I’ve left the house other than to close PoZers, and do “essential shopping” since March, to keep my family safe from the virus, so this trip to London for an all day booking, was like winning the lottery ... I’m not going to lie and say it wasn’t weird, going to another studio, when I was so used to working with Jim in my own, but it was the best “weird imaginable”... this isn’t your normal reference with “great comms... wonderful shoot... highly recommend... blah ... blah .. blah... “ This reference covers much more than this particular day, this reference covers many days of “Lockdown 2020” and all the weird times in between ... Jim came to PoZers over 4 years ago now, and from the off, we just clicked ... I was teaching a whole room full of photographers that day ... but it felt like nobody else was there, Jim and I became so wrapped up in the artistic side of photography, so in-depth with our conversation, it felt like nobody else was in the room ... this was the first day of so many ... Jim and I have collaborated so many times, I’ve lost count.. as a studio owner, teacher, makeup artist, stylist, set designer, lighting technician and each and every shoot has been beyond amazing, I’ve been buzzing after each and every session, eagerly anticipating Jim’s next visit... so when the pandemic closed my doors, my heart didn’t just break because my studio closed, my heart broke because of the realisation, that I wouldn’t get to ever work with my clients again, get to host shoots under my roof, do the job that made me complete and at peace with myself ... but most of all, not to get to work with my wonderful friend and creative soulmate again ... Jim ...

All through lockdown Jim knew how hard loosing PoZers was going to hit me, he knew it was my life, the reason I breathed, it was my everything, and he knew, probably even more than my own family, that it was going to completely destroy me ... most people would empathise, give their condolences to the situation, and move onto the next studio, makeup artist etc. And carry on with their lives, after all, I offered a service I could no longer provide, I was no longer part of the industry, I wasn’t “Alley from PoZer’s” anymore ... I’d lost my identity along with my studio ... I didn’t matter anymore ... I was just a memory... but not with Jim, he messaged me every few days through lock down, just to check I was okay ... we spoke at least once a week, on the phone, for hours and hours at a time, he was my therapy, he knew I was struggling, but without even talking about the struggle, he would lift my mood, shift my darkest thoughts, give me a reason to carry on .... no exaggeration people ... he LITERALLY SAVED ME ... you will never know how many times I felt like my world was crashing down around me, the darkness was closing in and Jim brought me back from this... I don’t think he even realised the good he was doing, after all he was just being “Jim”... my wonderful friend, sharing his knowledge, his life experiences, and showing me the light in my darkest of moments, by just caring, talking about life, and making me feel like I mattered, like I was still “Alley from PoZers”, just without the 4 walls of the studio....

The reason I’m sharing this with you all, is because if you haven’t worked with Jim before, you need to know that he is one of the most amazing artists and creatives I’ve ever met. Jim isn’t just a photographer, he is one of the most phenomenal truly talented, fine artists I’ve had the pleasure to work with, he’s also an exceptionally talented musician, his knowledge of the arts can be compared to that of a walking and talking encyclopaedia, Jim has taught me so much, given meaning and understanding to the true meaning of creativity , he has so many creative fingers in the pies of creativity, he’s run out of fingers and toes ... if there could be a name next to the definition of creativity .... it would his in bold letters ...

When you book a shoot with Jim, his pre-planning is next level as a photographer.. Jim preps the full narrative, whether from film, poems, history, fine art inspirations, other historical photographs... he’s then purchased/hired the exact fashion to fit this narrative, he’s the stylist, the story teller, the inventor, the set designer, the director, the producer, the lighting technician.... and THEN the photographer, which then leads to the editor, which then leads to the fine artist that creates the most mind blowing paintings, from the images he creates ...

This isn’t your normal booking, this is weeks of planning on his behalf (if not months) Jim is so committed to the shoot otherwise he would never have booked you ... he would have had an idea, which would have triggered a model search, he will have read your portfolio notes, looked at your images, both what you’ve shared and what you are credited in, and want to take you visually to a place you’ve never experienced on your portfolio, something unique and exciting, not what others have done with you, Jim wants his shoot to be exciting and fresh for you both. This is a journey, his point of contact with you, will already be halfway through his artistic realisation, not a whim, a 5 minute wonder, an impulse ....

Jim is a true true artist, and you need to know this before you work with Jim, because trust me, I’m not saying this stuff because he saved me through lockdown, I’ve written Jim tons of references previously, over the last 4+ years (please read them if you want a giggle), this man is undoubtedly one of the most amazing photographers on PP, not because he’s my friend, he’s my friend through my life choices, he’s an amazing photographer because he cares, he’s committed to his art, I’ve met hundreds of photographers through my studio and as a mua, there truly is only one “Take in the Alps”, don’t miss out on this amazing chance to work with Jim, you’ll regret it ... I can’t imagine my life without him in it ... but I also can’t imagine this industry without him in it .... if I never ever get to work with another photographer, other than Jim, ever again, then that’s okay, because I’m getting to work with the most phenomenal creative ... if this shoot is my last shoot with anyone ... then that’s fine too ... because it was with the best of the best, and what an amazing end to an era .... I might have lost my studio .... but I haven’t lost the ability and passion to work alongside my best friend and be a part of his team ... and that would be worse ... don’t miss out on the chance to shoot with Jim ... he really is the most beautiful creative soul .... it would be criminal ... a true crime ... don’t let the opportunity ride you by... because if Jim had never come to PoZers ... I wouldn’t have been writing this reference ... in fact I might not have been writing at all ....

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Beth Kate

Well boy oh boy am I over the moon that Jim came across my port & contacted me about shooting together! Not only is he an incredible photographer, but he also without a doubt has the ability to bring out the best in me! I honestly can’t wait to see the final edits, seeing the raw images on the back of the camera made me excited enough!

We shot for 6 hours at my home (without a break, we were both way too eager to get another set shot!) and I was just so in love with every outfit Jim had ready for me. I really did get to play dress up this shoot, with Jim bringing the hugest suitcase full of fits, plus another 2 briefcases for lingerie and jewellery. My bedroom looked like the most magical boutique once everything was unpacked and hanging!!

Everything about this shoot was fabulous; the whole aura of the creative ideas and end goal, the fits & of course Jims easy going nature and one of a kind personality. His stories are incredible and the areas and experiences in which he pulls his inspiration from are awe-inspiring.

It’s safe the say that previous to this shoot, my portfolio doesn’t consist of a lot the content style we shot this day! So I’m truly looking forward to adding his work to my folio, and to working with Jim again in the near future.

If any model is offered the opportunity to work with Jim, I suggest they take up that opportunity. Thank you so much for a fabulous shoot & I can’t wait to see the work we have created!!

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I had a fantastic shoot with Jim yesterday. He messaged me last minute to arrange a photoshoot early in the morning at the Lowry Hotel in Manchester. From the beginning and throughout the communication was fantastic, with lots of detail about the shoot, mood boards and quick responses, everything that's essential when planning a last minute shoot.

Jim has a fantastic range of outfits to shoot in. All high quality and great to suit the location we were in. He matches accessories with them perfectly and has a great understanding of the light and angles to get the best shots with them.

He was friendly, welcoming and made me feel comfortable throughout. The four hours of the shoot simply flew by and it was a pleasure to be part of.

I would happily shoot with Jim again and would highly recommend him to other models. I look forward to seeing the results!

Thanks Jim for a great shoot!

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Taloulah mair

Oh my god where do I begin!

Thank you so much for a really lovely welcoming shoot.

Alps ;) is a real character, and it was my pleasure to be able to shoot with him. he has the most stunning collection of clothes that fit beautifully and has a serious eye for details.

it was so refreshing to be able to shoot with someone who is so relaxed and talented and has great banter! id say it was more like creating art with a friend rather than going on a job which iff you get the opportunity to experience, you will understand what i mean and how great that is!

thank you for a brilliant day, and making sure i got my train on time! really looking forward to seeing you again, job or not! see you soon x

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Emily Rogers1

Amazing shoot with Jim today.....such a great vision with lots of ideas to bring to life. Really enjoyed the artistic and story telling side to the shoot in a great location. Plenty of different outfits in styles and colours to try in different situations was a lot of fun, finished off on the beach with the sun starting to go down....would definitely recommend and would love to work with him again.

Thank you Jim

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Me & Jim finally got round to shooting again, and I’m so glad we did! Despite the cold weather, we had a blast and it was brilliant to work together again.

Pre comms were spot on and he was waiting for me when I arrived at the station. We managed to get some amazing shots - I love his creativity and eye for detail and he definitely deserves a promotion for being worlds best stylist as well as an amazing artist / photographer.

The wet and windy weather didn’t stop us and we managed to pull it off! It’s always a pleasure working with Jim. I’d definitely recommend him to any model looking to create amazing images as you won’t be disappointed.

Thanks for such a good shoot :)

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Jasmine Loretta

My second shoot with Jim, he gave me an amazing opportunity and experience shooting with two amazing horses.

Pre-communications were as great as last time. I was well informed of the shoot ideas and what Jim was looking for.

The shoot went amazing, after me getting over being scared of the horses :')

Jim has a great sense of humor, lovely personality and was great at making me feel at ease when shooting with the horses.

Happily shoot with Jim again and I look forward to seeing the images from this shoot.

ps... let me know when you want me to move.

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